Plain Numbers in practice webinar

Join us for an engaging session with Thames Water, the UK’s largest water company with 16 million customers, and StepChange, the UK’s leading debt charity, exploring how the Plain Numbers Approach is being applied in real-world communications.

This session will dive into case studies from two of our partners who use the Plain Numbers Approach to simplify and improve the communication of numbers to meet the needs of vulnerable customers.

You'll get a unique perspective on how organisations are improving their customer engagement by simplifying the numbers, and the words around them. With fresh insights from our partners as they share their first-hand experiences and outcomes.

Webinar Details
Date: Tuesday 19th November, 1pm - 2pm
Platform: Zoom

Sign-up here: EventBrite


Communicating numbers clearly in a legal context: what a lawyer has to say


Cadent partners with Plain Numbers to enhance customer communications